Caring and Fellowship
Caring is for body, mind and spirit. True healing is possible in a supportive, caring community.
Fellowship at Grove includes a wide range of purposeful gatherings and events. We like to have fun, too.
Our Journey of Hope® Cancer Care Ministry (OJOH)...
Our team of trained volunteers provides friendship, support, encouragement and hope to persons impacted by cancer, bringing God’s healing and hope with one-on-one connection, prayer and resources. Grove is part of a ministry training program, Our Journey of Hope, developed by the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Contact for more information.

Prayer in many ways ...
• Confidential Prayer Chain – To have your prayer concern sent to Grove’s Email Prayer Chain, write to Syd at
This is a list of prayer warriors standing by to pray. The information is kept confidential and requires the permission of the person who is the subject of prayer.
• Use this Prayer Request Form to submit a prayer request online. It will be sent to the Grove Prayer Chain.

Nurture Team -many ways to nurture and to be nurtured...
Nurture Team projects include:
• Home communion where needed.
• Hospital and home visits.
• Care baskets when there is a death in the family.
• Flower delivery of altar flowers.
• Card ministry for college students and homebound.
• First-time Mom baby showers.
• Telephone calls to those who are homebound.
• Prayer shawls and prayer squares made by the Prayer Shawl team.

Health & Welfare Ministry ...
Occasional cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) training.
Medical equipment for loan, such as wheelchairs and crutches.

Blood Pressure Checks
Fellowship is a vital component of our faith. Besides a sense of comfort among like-minded individuals, fellowship provides us the opportunity to learn and grow in our faith.
Groups for youth, adults, children and seniors are here, for those who share a particular interest or for some fun! The Grove family is active, connected and caring.
United Women In Faith – Turning faith, hope and love into action...
United Women in Faith at Grove is part of an international women’s organization whose vision is to turn faith, hope and love into action on behalf of women, children and youth around the world.
The group has a variety of activities and opportunities, including:
Fundraising for mission projects and organizations.
Projects to support church ministries and missions beyond Grove’s walls.
Fun social events such as salad suppers.
“Circles,” which are smaller groups of women with similar interests and which meet monthly. Usually, the circle will select an inspirational book to read each year and discuss it chapter by chapter during (or at) each meeting.
Contact for more information.

Community Dinners- fellowship dinners open to our neighbors...
Community Dinners, free fellowship dinners served buffet-style, are open to the community and served monthly from September through May. No program or agenda, just a good meal with our neighbors.
Email to find out more.

Monthly Community Dinners
Seeker Groups small group sharing...
Seeker Groups meet weekly for 75-90 minutes to grow their faith, connect with God and each other, and talk in confidence within the group about the state of their soul.
Seeker Groups vary in size up from 2-12 people.
More information on the Learning Page

Grove Youth Ministries (6th-12th grades) ...
Youth have many opportunities to have fun through bonfires, game nights, frisbee and football, murder mystery dinners, youth rallies, retreats, summer camp, and more. Through enjoyable experiences and a safe, inclusive environment, youth build relationships with one another and are invited to explore what faith means to them.
Connect with Mike Hardie, Director of Youth Ministries. Explore all of Grove Youth Ministries offerings.

Murder Mystery Night at GYM
Special Events for fun and connection...
Through the year Grove has events, such as Trunk or Treat and the Ice Cream Social.
- Round Robin Groups to get to know each other informally over a meal. These are organized a couple of times a year. Each group consists of 3 or 4 families who rotate homes monthly to share a meal. This is purely a social evening to allow members to get to know each other.
- Pocono Plateau Retreat, a winter weekend of winter fun for families and singles. This weekend at the United Methodist Pocono Plateau Camp is for families and adults to get away and have fun and fellowship in the beautiful Pocono Mountains. This event is held in January or February each year.
- Trunk or Treat is a fun event in the fall. Safe Trick-or-treating in the church parking lot is provided for children in the community. We have fun decorating our trunks and we see some creative ideas!
- Sports Teams in local church leagues – Grove sponsors teams to play in local church leagues in volleyball, softball and basketball.

Trunk or Treat