“As you have received, freely give!” –Matthew 10:8
We thank you in advance for your faithful commitment
toward resourcing God’s ministry and mission
through Grove UMC.

Why We Give
We are stewards of all that God has entrusted to us and therefore we need to be faithful with what we have been given.
As we take care of our finances for our current and future needs, we also want to take care of the current and future needs of Grove Church in our charitable giving.
Grove is a mission-oriented church and that is reflected in our spending. Approximately 30% of our budget goes to support missions and ministries which help meet critical needs that exist outside our congregation in our community and around the world.
—— Ways To Give ——

Cash or a Check
Put into the collection plate or mail checks to the Church Office.

Direct Debit from your bank account
1 – Click on Direct Debit Instructions.
2 – Print out the Authorization for Direct Debit Form, and provide the following information:
- Name, address, phone number
- Your signature to authorize your financial institution to make the withdrawal
- The Routing # of your financial institution (found on your check at the bottom, next to your account number)
- Your checking account number
- The amount of the gift, and whether this is a weekly or monthly gift amount.
3 – When you send in the form, you need to include a canceled check for that account.
4 – Send the form to the Church Office, 490 W. Boot Road, West Chester, PA 19382, email to, or leave it in the Finance Committee mailbox in the coatroom at Grove.

Give Online
When giving online you can designate a specific fund or a specific reason for your gift.
Go to the Giving Link
This will take you to Churchtrac which will take you to Stripe which is the company that manages our online transactions.