Worship at Grove
Join us at one of our worship services
On the 5th Sunday of the month, and during the summer months there is one Convergent worship service at 10 am which replaces the Traditional and Rooted services. These services are in the Sanctuary, which is to the right of the main (double glass doors) entrance.
Communion is on the first Sunday of each month and on special holy days.
Grove Church is equipped to provide devices in the sanctuary for the hearing impaired, has wheelchair access and welcomes service animals. The building has an elevator to allow access to the second floor and the basements.
Traditional Worship
On the 5th Sunday of the month, and during the summer months there is one Convergent worship service at 10 am which replaces the Traditional and Rooted services.
Traditional Worship (9:00am on Sundays) is in the Sanctuary, which is to the right of the main (double glass doors) entrance.
Traditional elements such as pipe organ music, hymn-singing, choir(s), prayers and preaching/sermons are typical.
The Sermon is given by our Pastor and special guest speakers.
The sermon is given by our Pastors and special guest speakers, we have guest speakers and even youth speakers. Each of our church leaders brings a different perspective to our faith and it is wonderful learning from all of them.ior
Here is an example of Senior Pastor Stacy Gonzalez’s message
Music, music, music. Grove has such a variety...
Worship music includes Grove’s pipe organ and traditional familiar hymns, Piano-organ duets, the Tabernacle Choir, and the Hand Bell Choir.
View this video from a traditional service to hear the music.

Warm welcome for children and families...
Children are welcome! An activity bag is provided when you enter if you would like one for your child(ren).
During Worship, children can move freely back and forth to a “Grace Space” area in the Sanctuary that is set up with table activities and toys. In this way, they are part of worship, hear the music and the teachings, but also have the option of moving around. They can color something at the table and then move back to sit with their family as often as they wish.
Early in the Worship Service, children are asked to come to the front floor and listen to the Children’s Message for that day. Parents are welcome to accompany their child for the message.
After the message, children return to where their family is seated for the rest of the service.
View this clip from a children’s sermon.

Nursery Care
The Nursery is for children up to 36 months of age. It is located on the main floor. The Nursery is staffed by two adults trained and qualified in “Safe Sanctuaries”, our United Methodist guideline to ensure children’s safety when in our care.

Children's Message
Pastor Eva has a Children’s message each Sunday during both worship services. Many times, the grown-ups also learn from the message.
Children are asked to come to the front floor and listen to the Children’s Message for that day. Parents are welcome to accompany their child for the message.
After the message, the children return to where their family is seated for the rest of the service.

Grace Space...
During Worship, children can move freely back and forth to a “Grace Space” area in the Sanctuary that is set up with table activities and toys. In this way, they are part of the worship service, hear the music and the teachings, but also have the option of moving around. They can color something at the table and then move back to sit with their family as often as they wish.
Communion and offering ...
Communion is on the first Sunday of each month and on special holy days. The United Methodist Church welcomes everyone to participate in communion who has or desires a relationship with Jesus Christ. Usually, communion is done by intinction, where ushers direct rows of the congregation to the front to receive the bread and to dip it in the cup of grape juice. If worshipers are more comfortable with individually packaged communion cups and wafers, they are available. Gluten free wafers are also available.
An offering is taken as a symbol of our stewardship to God. As a visitor to our church, do not feel obligated to participate in the offering – your presence is your gift to us. Electronic giving and gifts by text are also options. At this time, an offering plate is available at the entrance to the Sanctuary.

Contemporary Worship
On the 5th Sunday of the month, and during the summer months there is one Convergent worship service at 10 am which replaces the Traditional and Rooted services.
Contemporary Worship features a more laid-back style and contemporary music. This worship service, “Rooted,” is a shorter informal service that will introduce you to recent music and will show you that the worship experience can be vastly different. Dress can be very casual.
The Rooted Service (at 11:15am) is in Asbury Hall. which is to the left of the main (double glass doors) entrance.
When there are five Sundays in a month, there will be one worship service at 10:30 which is a combined traditional/contemporary service. On those Sundays there will not be an 11:15am service.
The Message is different every week...
Chris Yarnall, Director of Rooted Worship, is “rethinking” the worship experience for this service. The message is short and thought-provoking. A variety of staff and lay persons present the message.
Senior Pastor Stacy Gonzalez’s message
Director Chris Yarnall’s message
Congregation member Rob DeVitis’s message
Music , music, music. We have such a variety of music...
Pieces of One, our Praise Band with keyboard, provides contemporary worship music. The Youth Choir participates regularly during the school year. Bell choirs, soloists and instrumentals are sometimes part of this service. Here is a video of the music in our Contemporary Worship.

Children and Families are warmly welcomed...
Children are welcome and encouraged to worship with their families.
An activity bag is provided when you enter, if you would like one for your child(ren). At the back of Asbury Hall, we have tables and tall chairs, rocking chairs, and an area for anyone to use. Squirmy children, nursing mothers, parents of young children and folks who find this more comfortable are welcome to use this space. We also have a table and a play rug with some activities and toys. Families can sit anywhere, and children are free to move back and forth to the “Grace Space.” In this way, children are part of the worship service, hear the music and the teachings, but also have the option of moving around. They can color something at the table or play with the toys on the playmat, and then move back to sit with their family as often as they wish.
Sunday worship includes a Children’s sermon. The children are welcome to come forward and sit on the floor at the front for the Children’s sermon and then return to sit with their family. View an example of a Children’s Sermon.
The Nursery is for children up to 36 months of age. It is located on the main floor. The Nursery is staffed by two adults trained and qualified in “Safe Sanctuaries”, our United Methodist guideline to ensure children’s safety when in our care.

Pastor Eva gives Children's Message during Worship
Grace Space allows children (or adults) to take a break...
At the back of Asbury Hall, we have tables and tall chairs, rocking chairs and an area for anyone to use. Squirmy children, nursing mothers, parents of young children and folks who find this more comfortable are welcome to use this space. We also have a table and a play rug with some table activities and toys. Families can sit anywhere.
In this way, children are part of the worship service, hear the music and the teachings, but also have the option of moving around. They can color something at the table or play with the toys on the playmat, and then move back to sit with their family as often as they wish.
Other elements of the service...
Communion is on the first Sunday of each month and on special holy days. The United Methodist Church welcomes everyone who has or desires a relationship with Jesus Christ to participate in communion.
An offering is taken as a symbol of our stewardship to God. As a visitor to our church, do not feel obligated to participate in the offering – your presence is your gift to us. Electronic giving and gifts by text are also options. At this time, an offering plate is available at the back of Asbury Hall.

We know that visiting a new church can be an intimidating experience,
with many new faces and unfamiliar activities.
We try our best to make our visitors feel at home
– we were all visitors at one time!
Visitors are never singled out or asked to stand during Worship.
If visitors wish to provide contact information, we will follow up
with details about programs and opportunities that might be
of interest.
We want to connect with our virtual visitors as well.
Call the office 610.696.2663, or email Office@GroveChurch.org
and tell us who you are.
Stop by the Welcome Center...
The Welcome Center is in the main entrance.
It is staffed with someone who can answer questions
and direct visitors to worship locations, the Nursery, the coatroom, etc.
Visitors, both adults and children, can receive a gift bag at the Welcome Center.
If interested, guests can provide us with personal contact information.
What about accessibility?
Grove church is equipped to provide devices for the hearing impaired, has wheelchair access and welcomes service animals. The building has an elevator to allow access to the second floor and the basement.
Meet some new friends at Coffee Hour...
Coffee Hour is immediately after the Traditional Worship in the hallway. Take advantage of the opportunity to have coffee and a snack, and to meet fellow worshippers. Children especially enjoy the cookies and treats!
We want to connect with our virtual visitors...
We would like to hear from you if you visit us virtually.
You can send an email to office@GroveChurch.org
Tell us a little about yourself, share prayer concerns, or anything else.
For more information or questions, please contact:
Lead Pastor, Stacy Gonzalez. PastorStacy@GroveChurch.org
Director of Faith Formation, Eva Johnson, PastorEva@GroveChurch.org.