Pathways to Discipleship
There are five pathways to discipleship in the Grove community faith formation program.
The journey looks at each stage and determines where you are in each of them.
Grow from an acorn up to an oak tree, along each pathway.
What is Discipleship?
A disciple is a learner. The disciples of Jesus spent roughly three years being with him, listening to him preach, watching him interact with others and learning what it meant to be part of the new covenant God was establishing with humanity.
At Grove Church we desire to help one another grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.
John Wesley, historic founder of the Methodist movement, succinctly described the plan of discipleship in what he called The General Rules. Bishop Rueben Job paraphrased these rules to read, “Do No Harm, Do Good, Stay in Love with God.”
Discipleship involves a ministry of outreaching love and witness to others concerning Christ and God’s grace through the five promises United Methodists make when they join with a congregation.
Grove Church developed “Pathways of Discipleship” in order to support people in growing in their understanding of Christian faith. Using a rubric based on the growth of an oak tree, from an acorn to a fully branching well rooted tree, we seek to offer programming for a variety of levels.
Look below to see where you are on your journey in each of these areas. Let us know how the Grove community can support you in your growth.
Connecting with God for personal growth, intercession for others and
knowledge about who we are as people of faith.
Deepening our faith by connecting with God in worship, engaging in learning opportunities through faith formation and interacting in various ministries and events.
Exploring how our spiritual gifts are essential to knowing who we are as Christians.
Sharing God’s radical love with our neighbors and communities around the world.
Grow as Christians by equipping ourselves with ways to discuss our future journey.