Welcome to Learning opportunities in the Grove Community!
We hope to help you grow in whatever you are searching for in your faith journey.
There are 3 primary areas for you to explore under Lifelong Learning:
• Faith Formation
• Seeker Groups
• Vacation Bible School
Faith Formation
“What is Faith?”
As Christians and United Methodists, we embrace faith as a journey where we begin with Jesus and continue to grow all the time. These journeys include both inward and outward growth.
Inwardly, we journey with our hearts and souls to grow our understanding, acceptance, and worship of God through Jesus’ message of love and sacrifice.
Outwardly, as Jesus has also taught us to do, we grow our love, service and discipleship for all people, near and far, as much as we are able.
“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Matthew 22:37-39
At Grove, we try to live these journeys of faith formation in our promises of prayer, presence, gifts, service, and witness. We envision an oak tree as a symbol of shelter for our people, the steadfastness of our faith, and a symbol of our growth in faith.
Seeker Groups
Whether you’re new to the faith or have been hanging around the church for most of your life, people seek a meaningful relationship with God that not only draws them closer to the Divine, but also to other like-minded folk. At the heart of the Christian faith, Jesus taught followers to love God and others.
It is two to twelve persons meeting weekly for 75-90 minutes to confidentially talk about the state of their soul. Answering the primary question, “How was your soul with God this past week?” participants develop a vocabulary for their spirit in the same way they have a language for their bodies, minds, & emotions.
Every member of a Seeker Group reads Kevin Watson’s book, The Class Meeting, (available for free, contact the office. The Seeker Group leadership consists of lay persons – not pastors.
Interested? Contact PastorEva@GroveChurch.org for more information about the groups.

Faith Formation for All Ages
Faith formation for all ages creates an environment that is:
- A physically and emotionally safe space to learn
- Foster’s relationship with God and one another
- Curriculum offerings that promote growth in the areas of prayer, presence, gifts, service and witness
Children, Youth and Adults are encouraged to participate in the learning opportunities provided on Sunday morning and during designated class times during the week. Classes are offered in person and/or via ZOOM or other streaming platforms as available.
- Sunday Faith Formation for all ages 10:10 am.
- Seeker Groups
- Bible Study Groups
- Youth Small Group weekly meetings
Information about upcoming classes and other faith formation events may be found in the “What’s Happening” section of the Home page.
You can sign up for the weekly email about Grove activities (including classes). To receive Weekly Highlights from Grove via Constant Contact, use this form to sign up.

Youth Faith Formation Class
Courses and Classes
For questions or more information about faith formation and classes contact us at FaithFormation@GroveChurch.org
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a long-time tradition offered for the community. During mid-summer classes meet during the week-long Vacation Bible School. There is a theme for the week, and activities are planned around the theme concluding in a presentation for families and friends.
Pre-registration is required which begins online in late May / early June. There is a fee per child with a maximum cost per family – scholarships are readily available.
Notice of this will be in the “What’s Happening” section of the Home page of our website in early May.

What Happens at Vacation Bible School
- A variety of Old and New Testament stories are shared through storytelling, music, games, and crafts.
- Children are placed in age level crews to travel around the building and grounds with a guide to engage with our leaders and have a fun-filled experience.
- All adult leaders have Safe Sanctuaries clearances and youth volunteers are paired with an adult leader or supervisor.
- Parents and community volunteers with clearances (or are willing to obtain) are welcome to lead. We provide childcare for young children of leaders at no additional cost.
Safe Sanctuaries Program

Grove employs best practices for the safety and well-being of children and youth. All Staff and Volunteers must provide a Criminal Background Check and Child Abuse History Clearance and attend Safe Sanctuaries training once a year. Volunteers must be a regular attender of Grove Church for 6 months.