Salvation Army Dinners Can Be Fun!

Grove has 5 teams that prepare and serve a meal once a month to 30-40 people at the West Chester Salvation Army.  Two of these teams can use some help to replace those who have been involved in the program for many years.

We need 3-4 people.

Here is how this works:  The team lead coordinates the meal plan with the team.   Team members prepare what they are bringing, arrive at the Salvation Army by 4:45pm.   Serving begins at 5:00.   We are typically done by 5:30 when Jeremiah, the SA leader, takes over for the few people yet to come.   That is all, prep and 45 minutes there.

Some teams prepare the same menu each month based on the positive feedback from the attendees, making the planning very easy.  One email!!!

Send an email to to get more info or to sign up!